Freitag, 13. November 2020

Quick sneak peak

 Hey there, 

I haven't been posting for a while. Yeah, four years. It's a long time, but hey what can you do. My private life changed a lot so I had other things on my mind and honestly forgot about my blog for while. 

But I've been working on my design and now I want to share a quick sneak peak. I'll post a more detailed description of my work later on. Just give me few weeks.

Anyway, here is my current desing of my 3D printer as it is now (in CAD):

I haven't yet bothered with modeling the belts and dragchains, because they dont add any more valueable information to the cad file, but I will for showcase purposes later on. The buildplate and X-axis arent yet assembled, because I currently lack the funds to do them both. Thats why I'm concentrating on the X-axis first.

If you want to know more, check back in a few weeks for the detailed report.

until then, 

have a great rest of the week :)

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