Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2015

PCB's arrived! Finally!!!


my pcbs finally arrived this afternoon. Now I'll solder all the parts on and do some tests as I mentioned in the the post earlier. Then I'll write more in detail.

But for now: Take a look at these beautiful pcbs. I my opinion it seems to me as if a self made pcb, manufactured so awesome like this, is like a painting, like art itself. ;) I'm deeply impressed *-*
The manufacturer was iteadstudio, for those who want to know. I can highly recommend them, very cheap prices(10pcs for around 28$), medium delivery time (~2,5 weeks including manufacturing (Yeah I had choosen the cheaper type of shipping. There is also a more expensive option, which would be faster)) and the result speaks for itself.


Sonntag, 17. Mai 2015

What I'm doing...

Ok folks,

I misjudged the time that I would need to get the electronics working for my current project (hint: it's a 3D Printer).  Etching PCBs myself hasn't been a problem, until now. There is so much detail on it that it's very difficult to make them on my own. So I decided to get them manufactured. That was last Thursday. I guess they may arrive next Wednesday or Thursday. Then I will solder the components on and do a some testing with my own Firmware. When everything is working fine I'll post it here, so stay tuned. But to give you a quick sneak peak, here is a photo of the printer(Yeah, it looks cheap, but I build this thing out of stuff I had laying around, in 24 days(1.12.2014 - 24.12.2015)):


btw: The orange stuff under the Printer is Ferri-Chloride, once I dropped it on there accidentally